XML sitemap is supported by Google, Yahoo!, Ask and other search engines which is used to help a spider more quickly & easily crawl your site pages to get all your whole site pages indexed faster and to help you more easily beat your competitors.
Xml Sitemap Creator, like Sitemap X can help you freely automates your sitemap creating process, so you don't need to add and edit each url and its Mata-data by hands. Moreover, it can help you generate four types of sitemaps, including HTML, XML, TXT and GZ. And you don't need to manually ping your sitemaps to search engines when it's updated every time anymore! Below, you will be introduced the whole process of creating sitemaps using this Xml sitemap creator -Sitemap X.
Here are the procedures of creating website sitemaps:
1. Just enter your base URL and choose some optional choices, like webpage type, change frequency and priority and more.
2. You can choose whether to upload the robots files on your site or not.
3. You can choose whether to upload the robots files on your site or not.
4. This XML site map creator will crawl your site and generate sitemaps for you. By the way, you can use the schedule function to automate the whole process.
5. Generate and save your Xml site map creators.
Furthermore, this Xml site map creator has many other great features to help you.
Create sitemaps for as many sites as you like without size limitation
Notify (or ping) sitemaps to the major search engines
Built-in scheduler to automate the sitemap generating, uploading and pinging process
Edit and upload robots.txt file to your site
Delete pages that you don't want to be crawled and add needed pages
Broken & dead link checker to check invalid links
Run this Xml Sitemap Creator to create sitemaps for your website now!
This is a very nice free XML sitemap creator which helps me a lot!
--Aubrey Wood
Sitemap X was easy to install and easy-to-use. I will recommend it to my friends.
--Devin Brown
This is an awesome free program for anyone who wants to create XML sitemap.
--Francis Bird